Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Just the beginning...

I haven't written a blog in so long it is not even funny, but with moving to a new but old city and starting out totally fresh, i thought it would be cool to start up another one of these.

This first post I won't write very much, but I'll let you know what you will get into as my blogs progress. I will talk about just about everything, because it turns out my mind doesn't ever shut up and always has me thinking about something. My dreams in particular i will talk a lot about, but that's only because they will almost make you laugh everytime, because they are just so ridiculous.

I moved back to Regina, if you didn't get the "old new" comment i left earlier. I'm living with Tim Ashworth again, but a new roommate Nic. Love those guys both to death. This time coming back is new though. So many things have changed here, people have come and gone, changed, just what you would expect. So have i though, I've seriously have moved at least three times in the last year, done some school, went to work. Came back changed.

There is a huge struggle with coming back to an old place changed though, so many different battles that you have to deal with day in and day out, just with fighting the battle of going back to the way things were.

I hope in a way that people will read these blogs I'm going to put up and maybe get a little more understanding of where my mind set is now a days, hopefully inspire someone, maybe even make someone cry of laughter...that is an ultimate goal. I know this was short, but it was an intro.

-Happy Hump Day

1 comment:

xblairx said...

good news man! i'm pumped your in regina again. i look forward to busting your abs at football next time! looking forward to your thoughts. peace bro.